Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Top 10 TV Shows and why

Tagged by a coworker, I thought I might try a list.

1. Battlestar Galactica. The characters are impressive and just feel real to me. I could imagine knocking a few back with Colonel Tigh or engaging in debate with Apollo. I could never imagine that enjoying a card game with Riker, or fighting a battle with Skywalker. I think the story will end up disappointing in the end, as most TV science fiction is, but I will have enjoyed the fracking ride.

2. The West Wing. This show introduces us to our government without the biases of rah-rah patriotism or sinister government conspiracies. Sure, the show is political, but how can you tell a tale of our government at its highest level and not be partisan? Anyone who is anyone in government is partisan, and you just can't get inside without being that way yourself. The production values on this show are so high that you never feel like you are looking in from the outside.

3. Firefly. Why, oh why, did you have to kill this Fox? I will never like you, no matter how many Houses and 24s you put on. This will serve as my proxy for Joss Whedon's whole business really (Buffy, Dr. Horrible...)
Mal: Do you want to run this ship?
Jayne: Yeah
Mal: Well... you can't.

4. Top Gear. A car show you ask? You aren't even that in to cars! Ah, but this isn't a car show. It's a wacky comedy where three dudes do whatever they want with millions of pounds and get paid for it. Watch any of the races, and I guarantee you'll be hooked.

5. 24. OK, so the later seasons don't live up to the first one, but wow, what a first season. I sat down on a Christmas break from college at 9PM, intending to watch the first few episodes -- and finished the season at 3PM the next day. No other show has captivated me like that.

6. Scrubs. Sure, it's slapstick sometimes, but the show has a message and a plan each episode. Episodes like the one in which Jordan's brother dies and Cox goes through the 5 stages of grief are both hilariously funny and incredibly poignant. There was a rough patch, but I feel the show is back on it's game these season.

7. House. I don't know why, but it is just so damned fantastic, every single time. I know I'm being manipulated so easily, that the show has no realism, shallow characters, and plot holes you can drive BC-303s through, but it just works every time anyway.

8. Stargate. OK, mainly for longevity, but this show entertains me on a budget

9. Babylon 5. A story planned from day one, and it shows. Too bad they couldn't afford actors, set design, or writers, or this could've been much higher on the list.

10. I'm leaving this blank for the inevitable edit where I remember a show I just can't forget.

Your turn... What do you watch? (Television, not movies.)

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